in finland photography


my most precious christmas present this year was a scanner, the mighty canon 8800f. since leaving china, i have been searching for a way to get negatives scanned, quickly, cheaply and with quality, but the results (and the options) were often demotivating. so i ended up dragging film along, shooting less and less of it in the past few months.

i know a lot of people that are able to work magic with a digital camera, but i’m not one of them. to me, digital is efficient and cheap – but it doesn’t quite translate the feeling i get from analogue… and so, i’m quite happy to now be able to shoot and scan again, to my heart’s content.
ferris wheel

the only problem i’ve found so far has been dust. it’s everywhere and i can’t seem to keep it out of my negatives, no matter how much i clean them… tips?

diptychs of the motherland in portugal photography

diptychs from the motherland: wheat and blue

prado, santarém. junho 2009

in china in shanghai photography

spring: color version

tree tops

with spikes

not that different from the black and white version. i like the fact that, despite it being a color film, the colors turned out so subdued… spring can be like that too. and i haven’t got tired of looking up to the tree tops yet… :)

in china photography

bulb’d holga

while i was in beijing, i kept thinking something was wrong with my holga. the sound of the shutter didn’t sound right, it was… different.

yesterday when i got the film back from the shop, i glanced the negative and was relieved to see there was something there, so maybe not all was lost. i got home, ran to the computer and put the cd inside, and what do i discover? a film of shaken, overexposed pictures. hum… could it be? i flip the holga around, and there is the culprit: the switch on the bulb position. oh well… i don’t know how that happened, but at least it isn’t broken!

in the end, i don’t completely dislike the string of caffeinated photographs that came out of this roll. here are a few:
temple of heaven

temple of heaven

bell or drum tower

bell or drum tower

in china photography

south shanghai

the cosmo

walking around with the holga :)