
weeknotes, 8/25

this week, we changed our work schedule to be a single block in the mornings, starting quite early. getting up early is not a problem, but the single block does push lunch to later in the day… which in turns pushes sports towards the late afternoon, which makes me more likely to skip them. 😅 i’m not 100% sure i like this better than our previous afternoon blocks, but we’re giving it a go!

it’s been a good week for movies. we watched the six triple eight, a movie about the true story of the black woman army corps batallion that sorted mail in WW2. i knew the story already (we wrote about it on the postcrossing blog some time ago), so it was nice to see the movie. and we also watched don’t die (which was half-interesting but mostly weird…), trevor noah’s afraid of the dark, and flow (the cutest!). speaking of entertainment, i’m stuck reading a court of wings and ruin, and enjoying it less than the previous 2 books in the series… but now i feel like i’m too into the thing to quit halfway through. *sigh*.

apart from the occasional shower, the weather has been amazing lately — it really feels like spring. today we went out for a run (4kms!) and felt grateful for the blue skies and sea of yellow bermuda buttercup flowers.

currently knitting the popular sophie scarf, which is starting to look like a cute little croissant. got a super nice deal on the yarn, some alpaca mohair that a lady in town was selling in bulk. it’s extra fuzzy, which makes it a little tricky to knit with, but i’m muddling through.

had a nice time at art class this week, painting with white crayons and acrylic on dark paper. i copied some old photos of sophia de mello breyner, focusing on the light. i think they turned out nice! :)

in germany on the big screen

six movies to see and understand berlin a little bit better

we’re slowly working our way through a big “berlin movie list”, discovering a number of movies that portrait berlin in its different eras. they set the atmosphere to the places we visit and the books we read. we recognise the streets and sidewalks, the façades, the monuments, and even the everyday objects that we now see elevated to relics in flea markets across town… it’s quite magical.

in ljubljana we were lucky to find to so gadi, which takes place in the same houses we lived in. but in berlin, it feels like the whole city is a movie set.

any movies you’d like to recommend?

on the big screen

two movies

we’ve seen ‘the cave of the yellow dog‘ after joana’s recommendation, and loved every minute of it. mongolia is beautiful, and if we ever end up there someday in the distant future, i think we’ll be able to trace that decision back to this movie.

and we want to see somewhere, sofia coppola’s newest film. i really like the trailer, and this song… i can’t get it out of my head!

in slovenia video

films under the stars

until the end of the month, kinodvor is playing a different movie each night on ljubljana’s castle. we gave it a try on monday with the cove and were pleasantly surprised. the sound + screening quality + popcorn are good, the backdrop of the castle in the night air is quite nice and even the plastic chairs are not that bad. so we went back yesterday and watched the road and i think we’ll go again next week. perhaps we’ll try to choose less depressing movies…

in china

blind dating

the description on the back:

It’s amazing to me that a society which has mastered the concept of fire is capable of making a film this bad.

Too insipidly, cloyingly cutesy to be edge, too crass, juvenile and vulgar to be cute, and not funny enough to be either. Additionally, there is not one single iota of genuine wit, emotion, or originality in even one frame of this odious film.

It’s as if someone took “At first sight”, “Daredevil”, “My big fat greek wedding” and “Bend it like Beckham” (among others) and threw them in a blender. Worse than that the film is insulting to every group it portrays: blind people, Italian-American, African-American, Indian-Americans, limousine drivers, therapists. Even the portrayal of prostitutes is somehow beneath the dignity of the profession.

The ludicrous, predictable plot would be easily forgivable. After all, this is a romantic comedy. We’re here to have fun and feel good.

what would your reaction be, if the movie you were about to pick had this (brilliant) synopsis? :D