just life

7 years

…here’s to growing old together! :)

in germany

running in the zoo

you gotta admit, it’s not the most common place for a 10k, but it turned out quite nicely! after a scary moment of oh-my-god-we-forgot-the-microchip!, the boy managed to rent one at the last minute, and finished the race in record time. after that, we ate sausages and spent the rest of the day strolling around, checking out all the animals. :)

and in the end, a well deserved ice-cream! :)

in germany just life photography

this is us

our friend klara was one of the big motivators behind our move to berlin. when she showed us around her adopted city on a cold winter snap 2 years ago, she gushed with enthusiasm and pride – and we knew right then and there that we wanted to live in berlin too, and experience it all.

she’s also a pretty amazing street photographer, and always carries her camera in tow – which is why we don’t even blink anymore when she points her lenses at us! she took these shots of me and the boy on the thai park. they’re not staged, and they don’t show our best sides only, but i really, really like them.

i don’t usually post photos of myself, and always feel a bit self-conscious looking at them… but yeah. i think it’s time to do something about that and step a little bit out of my comfort zone. besides, we have so little photos of ourselves throughout the years… so here they are for posterity. :)

you should definitely check out klara’s street photography blog for more of her neat photos! :)

just life

he runs, i bike

i cannot, for the life of me, run. i’ve tried, motivated by the boy’s good performances and general encouragement, but it just isn’t for me… after the first few hundred meters, i get tired and start feeling miserable, regretting ever putting the sneakers on. i never got runners high, and the only place i feel at ease exercising is underwater :)

so, we have a sort of deal: he runs, i bike. he usually runs for 10km, in about an hour – which feels strenuous to me, even though i’m the one sitting… but following him across parks and through garden communities, discovering a different bit of the city every time, it also gives me a sort of serenity, and time to catch up on podcasts and itunes lectures, which i quite like. all in all, a good compromise, i’d say! :)

just life

the boy who ran

last year, the boy decided he would pick up running again. he set a goal of 500km for the year, which he completed, and also ran the 30km path of remembrance (above) around ljubljana for his birthday. this year he decided to up the ante and run a total of 1000km plus real races, like he used to do in high school. he ran the 10km race on the brand new brandenburg airport (now late on its opening), and two weeks after that, he ran the half-marathon from the olympia stadium, finishing it in 42th place (out of 600 participants).

he’s still quite good at it, and i’m bursting at the seams with pride. :)