just life

he runs, i bike

i cannot, for the life of me, run. i’ve tried, motivated by the boy’s good performances and general encouragement, but it just isn’t for me… after the first few hundred meters, i get tired and start feeling miserable, regretting ever putting the sneakers on. i never got runners high, and the only place i feel at ease exercising is underwater :)

so, we have a sort of deal: he runs, i bike. he usually runs for 10km, in about an hour – which feels strenuous to me, even though i’m the one sitting… but following him across parks and through garden communities, discovering a different bit of the city every time, it also gives me a sort of serenity, and time to catch up on podcasts and itunes lectures, which i quite like. all in all, a good compromise, i’d say! :)

6 replies on “he runs, i bike”

Cool running pic! And yes, sounds like an excellent deal to me! I wish I could bike properly… Maybe one day I’ll dedicate some time to properly learning (embarrassing, I know).

Ana, I love that deal but I do like Vicki: I walk the dogs! But maybe Paulo can take our Rusty for a run??? He loves running :-)

Agora percebo a magreza do Paulo, muito bem!
Olha eu também não posso correr :( problemas na perna direita
Mas posso andar de bicicleta :) e caminhar :)
Estas férias começamos a fazer caminhas de manhã! Quando voltar para Lx vai ser a bicicleta!


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