in germany

bearpit karaoke

what do berliners do on weekends, when the sun is out? they go to parks and soak in the sun! the whole day, just laying around, lazily perusing nearby markets, drinking beer and roasting their sausages in makeshift grills.

and for the entertainment? well, they have frisbees and kites and there’s always a nearby radio blasting a tune, or, if you’re in mauerpark in a sunday afternoon… the bearpit karaoke!

this was something we saw on our first weekend in berlin and it blew our minds. a massive outdoor karaoke? hell yeah!

it happens in a stone amphitheater on mauerpark, every sunday afternoon. a guy comes in with a set of amplifiers on a bike, plugs his computer, and lets people sing whatever songs they like while a couple thousand people watch and cheer. the results are often unexpected and hilarious. some examples found on youtube:

i may not know much about berlin yet, but this is definitely something you don’t want to miss :)

4 replies on “bearpit karaoke”


Este texto já me está a dar ideias para a próxima cidade onde irei ancorar ;-) Mas provavelmente continuarei fiel a La Valleta. Estejam atentos ao meu blog pois irei reactivá-lo em breve.

Este fim de semana estive em Roterdão. Foi divertido!

Abraços para vocês os dois,


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