in the netherlands

as compras

6 litros de leite,
1 chouriço,
8 pães para cozer,
uma dúzia de ovos,

cordon bleu,
costeletas de porco,
salsichas para grelhar,
4 limões,
1 pacote de arroz,

4 de massa,
2 pizzas,
1 kg de cenouras,

3 pimentos,
1 pacote de panquecas,
3 pacotes de bolachas,

polpa de tomate,
latas de ananás,
cogumelos, milho,

1 kg café,
barritas de muesli,

carne picada,
1 pacote grande de cereais,

1 kg de cebolas,
1 pacote de alhos,
1 saco de feijões,
1 embalagem de filetes de peixe.

2 mochilas, e um caixote de papel, precariamente seguro na traseira de uma das nossas bicicletas, e o meu cestinho da bicicleta para transportar isto tudo… estão a ver o filme… :) o que vale é que o supermercado nem é assim tão longe. acho que ainda vi alguns residentes conter o riso quando me viram de costeletas a tentar escapar do cestinho da bicicleta…

ainda esta semana a v. foi ao ikea. e já se sabe, o ikea é o ikea. veio de lá com vários artigos, entre eles um armário metálico vermelho, com gavetas. mesinha de cabeceira, mais ou menos. contou-nos que só quando chegou à bicicleta é que se lembrou que ia ter de levar “aquilo” (e já montado) até casa. :D e sem outro remédio, aí veio ela, meia dúzia de kilómetros com um armário pousado na parte de trás da bicicleta, e uma das mãos a segurá-lo, a rezar a todos os deuses italianos para não ter de parar em nenhum semáforo no caminho…

ps – tenho tanto que contar…

in the netherlands photography

the amazing digital camera’s plague.

dutch bits.
photos from our stay in the netherlands. by random people on our housing.

in the netherlands


Spune-mi, dacă te-aş prinde-ntr-o zi
şi ţi-aş săruta talpa piciorului,
nu-i aşa că ai şchiopăta puţin, după aceea,
de teamă să nu-mi striveşti sărutul?*

Nichita Stănescu, romanian poet. (thanks Valentina! :) )

(*Tell me, if I caught you one day
and kissed the sole of your foot,
wouldn’t you limp a little afterwards

afraid of crushing my kiss? )

geek in the netherlands


at first it was the network cable tip, that levi saw, suspiciously dangling from ours hallway ceiling. we pulled it, and sat with our laptops on the corridor floor, happily enjoying our discovery. turns out we weren’t supposed to use that connection, as it was our student’s manager private adsl… (of course we didn’t know that…)

and then a couple of days ago the lights went out in the first’s floor kitchen (they have an enormous amount of electric stuff plugged…) and when trying to find the place to turn it back on, someone found a router and switches and cables in a strange small room… and of course, you can guess the rest. now there’s 4 of us, sitting in the floor of a overheated tiny room, sharing wireless, hoping that none of the students managers walks by… :)

“mitras”, we say in portuguese.
“sneaky little bastards”, the manager would say. :P

in the netherlands links and ideas

findings and a gift

the earth’s shaking in açores.
he‘s reading a book i never finished.
these talented ladies opened a shop.
there’s a graphic museum in this city.
photography is cheaper around here in some places and kodak’s service quality seems as low as in braga.
pedro remy is hosting a new photography exposition, from José Manuel Bacelar.

dutch people like ready-made-all-packed things, and the tetrapacks around here are really cute for wallet-making.
i’ll send one to everyone who drops me a letter or a postcard till february :P
we’re in Van Houtenlaan, 27, room number 221, 9722 GR Groningen. (oh yes, i love getting mail around here, the sweet warm feeling of recognising portuguese stamps on the mailbox… priceless! :) )”