in the netherlands


Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe…

fiona apple john lennon
(thanks pedro! :) )

levi watches fc porto’s goals on rtp’s website, and we quickly scan the news on publico to see what’s going on back home, while we wait for a class to start. now that a week and a half has passed, and the initial shock and frustrations were forgotten, everything seems easy. the adaptation period was much smoothed by the fact everybody here speaks english since they were in primary school, and even master’s classes are given in english, to dutch students. and also the other erasmus students’ company helped, of course. we’re all in the same boat here. 150 of us are now living in a which used to be a refugee’s hospital, some time ago. it lacks some conditions (and internet!) and is quite far from the ZernikeComplex (the place where we have classes), but it’s warm and cozy inside, in a strange mix of nationalities and cultures from all continents.
the city is beautiful. really lovely with its small red brick houses and canals that cross and circle it, confusing our sense of orientation. there are so many small details worth exploring, and so many treats to the eye… like an opaque glass lavatory or a bus station by rem koolhaas (the mr. who did the “casa da musica”, in porto).
well, duty calls. :) take care!

in the netherlands


(estamos bem.
sem inspiracao, internet ou acentos.
mas com a morada da ikea assinalada no mapa, uma bicicleta com um cestinho e muita cafeina.

in portugal just life


da relva, das fotos espalhadas e rachadelas nas paredes, das estrelas no tecto do quarto, dos frascos e coisas que a daniela decorou, das que eu fui fazendo, dos discos amontoados. até já casita catita.

(eu disse que era de vez? não sei o que isso é. :P)

music photography

tout doucement

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
La vie c’est épatant

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
La vie je la comprends

N’allez jamais trop vite
Vous aurez tout le temps
Attention à la dynamite
Prenez garde au volcan, à ces gens énervés
Qui ne savent pas aller

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
En flânant gentiment

N’allez jamais trop vite
En aimant simplement
Pour avoir de la réussite
Soyez très très prudent
L’amour alors viendra
Se blottir dans vos bras

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
En flânant gentiment
En souriant gentiment
En flânant gentiment
Tout doucement


(até já! sim sim, desta é de vez… :P )

in portugal

mood gorning

back to braga, “home”. feels good.

and now if you excuse me, there’s some cleaning, some packing and some hugging to be done. :)

(a foto, tirei-a quando perdi a estação da livração, onde devia mudar para amarante. fui parar ao marco de canaveses, com pouca bateria no telemóvel – onde um dos progenitores me lembrava a minha irresponsabilidade a muitos decibéis – e poucos comboios a fazer ligações… aventuras e saudades das férias… :D