
weeknotes 51/21

– christmas at last! we spent it with my parents & brother and the boy and his parents, in a bubble of 7 with lots of covid tests. we might not have seen as many relatives as we normally would, but codfish and sweets were consumed, and lots of presents were unwrapped. :)

– i got the beautiful kissa by kissa book, a guide book to taiwan (forever on our bucket list), fluffy peanuts-themed loungewear, and a bunch of yellow ffp2 masks! i had bemoaned the fact that there weren’t any yellow masks in pharmacies, and santa went out of its way to find some for me — they look like a bird’s beak and i love it! :D

– like a weird alien structure, the tallest christmas tree in the country landed in the town where my parents live. it’s 55 meters high and defies description.

– the sunset at my grandma’s place. despite the threatening weather, it didn’t rain that much over christmas, which was a small miracle in itself.

just life weeknotes

weeknotes 49-50/21

so much, so little.

– the most exciting thing about these past 2 weeks was that we finally did the marathon walk! omg, we did it. 42kms, lots of bakeries, birds and blisters too. more on that later.

– a local non-profit cooked a warm meal for their neighbourhood and i volunteered to help serve. it was a nice event, filled with music, laughing kids running around, and lots of elderly neighbours chatting and getting to know each other. i think strengthening the bonds within these small communities is super important especially in times of need, and events like these help that happen.

– we packed and left for the north, where we’ll be for the next 2 weeks. on the surface, i’m ready for christmas, as we did all the shopping in advance… but i feel tired and impatient. though i love family and seeing friends, it feels like this whole year has just been stretching me thin, pulling in different directions and not leaving me much room to process. i want some weeks to call my own, to recharge and recalibrate.

– plus, it’s cold here. :( my toes and fingertips are frozen and it makes me supremely grumpy. as an adult, i have very little patience for this kind of endurance sport that the portuguese turn winter into. sigh.

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #278

wrinkles, white hairs and sun spots… check! :D

one second everyday

one second everyday — november 2021

ah… november. a month of longer and longer walks, knitting, migrating downstairs to huddle by the fireplace, volunteering and piquena staying over. a bit all over the place, and more sunny days than rainy ones.

one second everyday

weeknotes 48/21

– a couple of collared doves have been showing up around breakfast time. it’s nice to see them come back everyday.

– read about the world’s deadliest thing, which was not what i expected. this quote stuck with me:

The lethal dose when consumed orally is around 30 billionths of a gram, which if you want a relatable comparison, is about the same as if you cut a single poppy seed into ten thousand equal pieces and ate one of them. It is an amount so tiny, it really doesn’t make sense.

– dani spent a lazy week of catching up with sleep, books and movies, and it was all going well… until i washed the bathroom with disinfectant and she had a nasty allergic reaction to it. :( one trip to the hospital later and she’s doing a little better, the poor kitten.

– a friend who’s moving to portugal stayed over for a couple of days, so december has been unexpectedly busy with guests. we’ve had meals together and played games — even managed to win at pandemic, for once!

– finished reading “ready, player one” at last, dove into “factory girls“, another china-themed book.