just life one second everyday

one second everyday — august 2017

august! this is definitely the best part of the year in northern europe, with long sunny days that aren’t quite as sticky hot or packed with people as in the south. so we made a sort of escape plan and said goodbye to algarve, bribed the neighbours to water our plants, and left on a mission to catch up with friends we don’t get to see that often.

and it worked! we’ve had the best august i can remember, spent reconnecting with some of the people and places we miss the most. it was so hard to select the seconds for this video because the month was just overflowing with good memories.

the dodgy back threw me into bed for a few days, but after some rest with pablo-the-cat‘s company, i was back in business! :) too many highlights to mention — just happiness all around!

algarving in portugal just life

8 o’clock

we called her “8 o’clock” because that was around the time she landed on our balcony. a tiny little swallow that gingerly hopped onto paulo’s open palm and wasn’t eager to leave. she seemed okay, though perhaps a bit lost. she drank water, ate all the ants she could reach… and stubbornly refused to fly. our more knowledgeable bird-watching friends suggested we give a call to the animal rescue center in olhão, which we did and they promptly took over.

RIAS (aka the Centro de Recuperação e Investigação de Animais Selvagens) takes care of all sorts of wild animals from the southern region that were found hurt or mistreated. things like wildfires, birds falling off their nests, road accidents or the idiot that decides to keep wild animals as pets… they were happy to take care of our tiny swallow for a while, feeding it and patiently waiting for it to gain some strength to fly, before it was ready to be released. they gave us a tour of the place, and we got to peek at all the birds and other animals they were currently nursing back to health.



we were so impressed with their operation that we decided to sponsor 8 o’clock’s recovery, becoming her “godparents”. one of the perks of being an animal’s godparent at RIAS is being able to be there when it is released into the wild — so when they called us some time later and asked if we wanted to come and see it being released, we jumped at the opportunity!

8 o'clock!

it was over in the blink of an eye, but the feeling of having done something good lasted for a long time afterwards. it might be just one tiny swallow… but did you know that a single swallow can eat up to 300,000 mosquitos per year? i bet you wish you had saved a few of them too! :P

just life one second everyday

one second everyday — march 2017

it’s the last day of april already, and march seems like years away… but it’s still sitting on my phone, so here it goes:

it was pretty low-key as months go — but a great one at that, if that makes any sense. we spent time with friends, celebrated birthdays, went to concerts, spiralised all the things, did some nice interviews and giveaways on the blog… oh, and admired p.’s beard, which was huge! :D

just life

11 years of us

here’s to a lifetime of adventures together! :)

just life

first aid course

back in january, on our way south, we took a detour through lisbon to do a 2-day first aid course. together with a small group of random people, we learnt what to do in different emergency situations and then practiced on each other and a couple of manikins called anne (after an unidentified woman who drowned in the seine).

it was… intense. there’s quite a lot to keep in mind, and all the procedures are drilled on the students by practice and repetition. we magically get burned, inhale smoke, choke on air and fall off invisible ladders in turns… and then proceed to rescue each other, even using a mock AED to resuscitate the more serious cases.

the most disturbing bit of all though? definitely practicing back blows on baby-anne (harder! she’s still choking!)…

i guess it’s one of those things you hope you don’t need to make use of, but… just in case. one never knows, right?