in the netherlands photography


yesterday, in the afternoon, we went to see the world press photo exhibition in the martinikerk, which was great, as one would expect, and it did quite well its job of putting questions on people’s minds.
there’s always something standing out of the crowd which is different from person to person, and the set which caught my attention was this one by david burnett. i was fascinated by the depth of field of the images, at that distance. humans look like little toys… in theory i think i know one way to do it, but in practice, it’s much more difficult…

so we had coffee in the terrace of the v&d building and came home to cook the most international unplanned dinner so far. oh, and in the meantime, we invited people to write some phrases in our wall, like the numbers, hello, thank you, i love you, and so on, on their own language. :) you can imagine how much we laughed trying to pronouce it on russian, vietnamese or arabian and vice-versa…


in the netherlands photography

the amazing digital camera’s plague.

dutch bits.
photos from our stay in the netherlands. by random people on our housing.

music photography

tout doucement

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
La vie c’est épatant

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
La vie je la comprends

N’allez jamais trop vite
Vous aurez tout le temps
Attention à la dynamite
Prenez garde au volcan, à ces gens énervés
Qui ne savent pas aller

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
En flânant gentiment

N’allez jamais trop vite
En aimant simplement
Pour avoir de la réussite
Soyez très très prudent
L’amour alors viendra
Se blottir dans vos bras

Tout doux, tout doux, tout doucement
Toujours, tout doux, tout doucement
Comme ça
En flânant gentiment
En souriant gentiment
En flânant gentiment
Tout doucement


(até já! sim sim, desta é de vez… :P )



long story short:
a couple of months ago, a very very drunk mister talked to me about making a photo exhibit at his bar, the coolest one in braga. just like that, out of the blue as i walked out of the place. i thought about it for a while, invited a friend and we did it – though at another location (in the end, the drunk bar owner wanted something sligthly more professional, i think, so we shifted places. at least for now.)
so there you go, the exhibit is called tips, and it’s loosely based on the concepts from we are what we do and buy nothing day, except we added our own images to the cause, and hanged it on a huge pink wall.

so spread the word. drop us a line. show up! :)
everyday at barcode (rua do anjo, 90A. from 9pm to 2am).

music photography

writing about music is like dancing about architecture

a window to a studio

budda power blues concert

i’ think i’ve always listened to it lower than most people. and most of the time that i’m wearing my headphones, i’m not listening anything. they’re just there, to help me concentrate. it works.
lately, subtly, it corners and surronds me, makes me tumble on new people… and changes everything. music.

(the title is from fontgarden)