
weeknotes, 39-41/2023

ooof! i got a little distracted, and three weeks have passed in the blink of an eye!

– world postcard day was a whirlwind of excitement and postcards! this year, we decided to put some limits in place on the number of postcards each person could send (so that the algorithm wasn’t straining as much to find addresses)… but things actually backfired and people ended up asking for more addresses than normal 😅 i think somehow we made these addresses sound like a precious resource, and everyone decided they better enjoy them! even then, things went really well, with much enthusiasm and many, many postcards. makes me happy.

– we had the parents over for a few days on that week, and it was nice to catch up with them and taste all the produce that the farm has been growing this summer. we also picked up olives from our own olive tree for the first time! it’s hard to believe we’ve grown this tree from a tiny pot.

– on one of my sleepless early mornings, the thought struck me that maybe i’m entering perimenopause… i googled a few of the random symptoms i’ve been having (erratic sleep, weight gain, heart palpitations, joints pain, frequent headaches) and it makes sense. at least now i can stop worrying about disconnected issues, and be reassured that this is a normal part of life.

– i finished the back pain book i mentioned before, and i don’t want to jinx it, but… i think it might have worked? 😳 i haven’t had much pain for a couple of weeks at least, and no one is more surprised about this than me. i hope it stays that way!

– we went to the birdwatching festival in sagres, and OMG, it was amazing!! part of it was just the fact that we took a 4-day break in sagres (a place we really like). but also, just the amount of great activities organized, and how they opened our horizons — not just for birds, but culturally as well! we had a really nice time, and are planning to go again in future years.

– i started a raised bed in the backyard! right now there’s lettuce, broccoli and beetroots growing, and also some other random seeds. i missed having a place to grow herbs and a few other things.

one second everyday

august 2023 — one second everyday

i’ve been a bit lazy about compiling these videos, but let’s catch up!

i can barely remember august, other than the joy of having baby LJ in my arms and also the joy of coming back to our own place, to meet all the friends that visit during the summer. :)


weeknotes, 38/23

– played a quick round of galaxy trucker with friends, and it was nice! also, watched the second movie of the guardians of the galaxy series. our friends are big fans of the marvel universe, and have been trying to initiate us. :)

– took part in the sessions to help build the rules for the new food gardens that will soon pop up all over the municipality. looking forward to seeing more empty spaces being filled with plants and food!

– this was a good week for books. i’ve finished fatherland, a bbc dramatisation of a book by the same name. halfway through, i realized it was not the book i had bookmarked (which had the same name)… but i went ahead and listened to it all the way through, and it was enjoyable, despite the dark theme. i also dragged my way through the wizard of earthsea (it didn’t quite work for me), and pardalita, a portuguese graphic novel that i read during a conference about vegetarianism at the library. i like it a lot more than the moderator of the panel, who didn’t seem able to keep a straight line of thought without going into a million tangents.

– also started reading healing back pain, a book i’ve heard about over and over again. it was written by a doctor decades ago, and his whole thing is that chronic back pain is often caused by emotional causes (like anxiety or anger), and not something that is actually physically wrong in your back. it sounds a little woo-woo… but there seems to be some evidence to it, as a lot of people are miraculously cured after reading it. i don’t know how i feel about the idea yet, but having had some measure of back pain for over 10 years, i’m happy to give it a go.

– the rota dos petiscos continues, with a few more fish dishes in tavira! looking forward to venturing out a bit too, when the occasion comes.

– one week until world postcard day!


weeknotes, 37/23

– the only thing that really matters this week is that, after months and months of coughing, the boy’s cough finally seems to be under control… pffeew! it took a regimen of oral corticosteroids (OCS) to bring down all the inflammation in his sinuses that was causing postnasal drip and inducing the cough. OCSs short and long-term side effects are not fun at all, but hopefully this treatment will give us some time to get his triggers under control before the next wave.

– i went back to the pool, and it felt good! looking forward to make it into a routine.

– the rota do petisco started this week! we had a couple of fish dishes in santa luzia, and made plans to try more petiscos in the coming weeks.

– went to ikea and got a stool for my treadmill. it sounds silly, but this cheap treadmill was not built for running continuously for hours on end. when i needed to give it (or my legs) a break, i had to haul the treadmill away, roll in my comfy chair and bring the table down. it was a bit of a hassle to do and undo, which meant i ended up getting lazy and doing the whole process less often throughout the day. now i just put the stool on the treadmill when i want a break and it’s actually not that comfortable at all… so after a little while, i’m walking again. it works! :)

– we also got a cast iron pan from ikea and it seems to work fine! it’s so heavy that it feels a bit like cooking and a workout, all in one. i’m kind of happy to not be using teflon and non-stick stuff so much.


weeknotes, 35-36/23

– the weather changed on the first of september like clockwork — suddenly it’s much fresher, and it even rained a tiny little bit. the moon was biiiig for a couple of days, and the high tides turned the town into little venice, like they always do.

– we had friends over for dinner one day and were enchanted by their chatty 2 year old. and then other friends arrived and stayed with us for a week. i’m happy that people come to us, that our doors and arms are open and welcoming, that we have long walks and boardgames and shared meals and conversations to look forward to.

– the town announced the launch of the food gardens, an initiative i’ve been helping out with for some time now. we want to turn the lost spaces here and there (the odd and forgotten bits of land) into open spaces where volunteers can produce food for the community. the legal framework for these has been a long time in the making, but it’s finally seeing the light of day. i’m excited for what is coming!

– also, the mediterranean diet fair took place, the largest event in our quiet town. it’s the end of the summer season and it goes out with a bang: workshops, food demos, seminars, guided tours, concerts, food… it feels like the whole town comes together in nights filled with energy. we saw miguel araújo’s concert — he was great!