in the netherlands links and ideas

de euro stinkt!

do you know what euro bills are made from? cotton, among other things.
cotton which comes from several countries around the world… the origin of it is not completely clear. some of the countries get subsidies from their government for it, and others, the poorer ones, don’t. that way, they have no chance to compete with the more developed ones, whose prices will be significantly lower… and to make matters worse, a great part of these countries depends on the cotton production to hold on to their economy.

so, a group of young dutch people thought that maybe they could do something to help: a bet with one of their ministers, mr Zalm. if they could sell 10000 “honest euros” till the end of october (i think), the dutch government would start to buy its cotton from biological fair trade origins.
de euro stinkt! campaign is success, with only 800 honest euros to get there.
the project’s webpage is in dutch, but you can try a rough babelfish translation for more details. wanna participate? let me know :)

ps – our mentor, hugo, told us about this project – and now both me and levi have our honest euros. just a piece of paper resembling a bill, which cost 1 euro and is worth the same, if you want to sell it to someone else. the money goes to ICCO and other institutions.
The money isn’t going to ICCO. They support the project. But we (CNV Jongeren) are gonna use the money for a European campaign, so that all Euro countries will get fair cotton euros.” (hugo)

yay! I hope it gets to Portugal soon. I’ll surely help! :)

in the netherlands

on a monday, i am waiting
tuesday, i am fading
and by wednesday, I can’t sleep…

ashley simpson, pieces of me

yup. it’s those damn reports we have to deliver on wednesdays…

in the netherlands

as compras

6 litros de leite,
1 chouriço,
8 pães para cozer,
uma dúzia de ovos,

cordon bleu,
costeletas de porco,
salsichas para grelhar,
4 limões,
1 pacote de arroz,

4 de massa,
2 pizzas,
1 kg de cenouras,

3 pimentos,
1 pacote de panquecas,
3 pacotes de bolachas,

polpa de tomate,
latas de ananás,
cogumelos, milho,

1 kg café,
barritas de muesli,

carne picada,
1 pacote grande de cereais,

1 kg de cebolas,
1 pacote de alhos,
1 saco de feijões,
1 embalagem de filetes de peixe.

2 mochilas, e um caixote de papel, precariamente seguro na traseira de uma das nossas bicicletas, e o meu cestinho da bicicleta para transportar isto tudo… estão a ver o filme… :) o que vale é que o supermercado nem é assim tão longe. acho que ainda vi alguns residentes conter o riso quando me viram de costeletas a tentar escapar do cestinho da bicicleta…

ainda esta semana a v. foi ao ikea. e já se sabe, o ikea é o ikea. veio de lá com vários artigos, entre eles um armário metálico vermelho, com gavetas. mesinha de cabeceira, mais ou menos. contou-nos que só quando chegou à bicicleta é que se lembrou que ia ter de levar “aquilo” (e já montado) até casa. :D e sem outro remédio, aí veio ela, meia dúzia de kilómetros com um armário pousado na parte de trás da bicicleta, e uma das mãos a segurá-lo, a rezar a todos os deuses italianos para não ter de parar em nenhum semáforo no caminho…

ps – tenho tanto que contar…

in the netherlands photography

the amazing digital camera’s plague.

dutch bits.
photos from our stay in the netherlands. by random people on our housing.

in the netherlands


Spune-mi, dacă te-aş prinde-ntr-o zi
şi ţi-aş săruta talpa piciorului,
nu-i aşa că ai şchiopăta puţin, după aceea,
de teamă să nu-mi striveşti sărutul?*

Nichita Stănescu, romanian poet. (thanks Valentina! :) )

(*Tell me, if I caught you one day
and kissed the sole of your foot,
wouldn’t you limp a little afterwards

afraid of crushing my kiss? )