music photography

writing about music is like dancing about architecture

a window to a studio

budda power blues concert

i’ think i’ve always listened to it lower than most people. and most of the time that i’m wearing my headphones, i’m not listening anything. they’re just there, to help me concentrate. it works.
lately, subtly, it corners and surronds me, makes me tumble on new people… and changes everything. music.

(the title is from fontgarden)



me, by me. a good use for an old stove. :)

geek links and ideas music

pure addiction

yesterday i went to our local student academic bar (called BA around here) where RUM was throwing a party to celebrate their new spring/sumer grid. the postcards i finished the day before were everywhere! what a relieve to see that the colours were actually correctly printed and that everything came out readable and smooth! no time for testing that kind of thing, so i was really nervous about it.
besides that, it was a weird funky feeling.
i don’t remember anything i did to be handed like this to people, in such quantities or place. and it’s funny to sit back and watch people’s reactions to it: some keep it inside their purses (nice!), some just don’t care, others use it as something to put their drinks on.

(click on the image for the larger version)
ps – sometimes i honestly wonder if i can get an happiness overdose or something like that.
ps2 – the bottle in the middle was drawn over a stock photo image, with a friends’ wacom graphire tablet. i’m going to ask my parents for one of those on my bday :P

links and ideas

when it rains, why don’t sheep shrink?

ghostboy’s latest post comes after a chat about design and how much should we give in to the “client”‘s taste instead of our own view. it’s tricky – specially when there’s not much time to get together and share ideas.
i know a very successful person in the informatics world who had a degree in computer science and then did another one in economy – to understand what the clients where demanding, to know their language, he says. i wonder if sometimes we (the design rookies) are just too unexperienced to understand what people have in mind in the first place. or too stubborn to go with it. :|

my apologies and late congratulations:
* rita, for your bday. lots of hugs and kisses! :)
* paulo, for the visao’s photojournalism prize. another one, eh? :P


that’s all it is, peaches

tem sido uma semana preenchida. fragmentada. activa. rápida. enérgica.
“voltar” à rádio, nas vésperas da nova grelha. design gráfico. ambientar-me a novos sons e sorrisos, que se entranham até altas horas, madrugada adentro.
olhar as estrelas, com a ajuda de um astrónomo entusiasta, que deixa a turma a sonhar. ver os anéis de saturno e as manchas de júpiter. aprender a diferença entre telescópios refractores, reflectores e catadióptricos.
uma consulta na nutricionista e a reformulação dos hábitos alimentares errados, há muito enraizados. de vez.
um concerto num recinto pequeno, cheio de energia e empatia. como eu gosto. (e uma página web a sair, que me valeu uma menção nos agradecimentos do cd da banda – ainda estou babada…).
um projecto de exposição de fotos que anda para a frente (patrocínios, anyone?).
uma loja online para breve.
fotografias e rolos novos.
amigos que me mimam. todos os dias. :)

estou com uma boa disposição inacreditável…