101 things in 1001 days — fourth edition

the mission: to complete these 101 things in 1001 days, counting from october 6th 2016. the list is scheduled to finish on july 4th, 2019. the complete items will have a different background and the progress will be tracked on the blog as i go along.


  1. Visit Azores: june 2018
  2. Visit Morocco: april-may 2017
  3. Visit India
  4. Sleep on a mountain hut: tschafonhütte (22/10/2018)
  5. Do a 1-month-long house swap: august 2017 (berlin+london)
  6. Go on a bike ride or hike that lasts more than 1 day: 2-day high atlas hike (4-5/10/17)
  7. Explore 5 new places in Portugal: castelo de vide + marvão (3/12/16), terceira island (june 2018)
  8. Visit 3 new towns in Spain: el rocio (march 2017), ronda + alora + antequera + granada (june 2017), córdoba (october 2017), mérida + badajoz (june 2019)
  9. Visit the greenhouse peninsula near Almeria
  10. Visit the solar towers of Seville: 06/03/17
  11. Plan 5 weekend getaways: aljezur (november 2016), córdoba (october 2017), porto covo (february 2018), lisbon (may 2018), sagres (may 2019)
  12. Have a autocaravan holiday
  13. Go to a big amusement park
  14. Visit a planetarium: toronto, 11/08/2018!
  15. Explore 5 new museums: 1. finnish postal museum (24/5/2017), 2. maat (24/7/2017), 3. the postal museum (23/8/2017), 4. royal philatelic society of london’s museum (24/8/17), 5. bletchley park (28/8/17)
  16. Visit a lighthouse: vila real de santo antónio on 23/11/16
  17. Sleep in a boat
  18. Total 100km in hikes: 10km (ponta da atalaia, 27/11/16) + 9km (querença, 22/1/17) + 11.5km (caminho das amendoeiras, 28/1/17) + 5.5km (barranco das lajes, 19/2/17) + 9km caminito del rey (15/6/2017) + 20km 2-day high atlas hike (4-5/10/17) + 3.6km almarginho (21/1/18) + 7km azinhal (28/1/18) + 8km laranjeiras (4/2/18) + 5.8km mistérios negros (6/6/18) + 5.5km baías da agualva (6/6/18) + 10km senhora da graça (22/7/18)
  19. Try kayaking in the lagoon a lake: lake ontario (10/08/2018)
  20. Learn scuba diving
  21. Go camping: wildcamping in südtirol (21/10/2018)
  22. DO GOOD

  23. Translate 2 TED talks
  24. Do the first-aid course: CEPS on 10-11/1/17
  25. Volunteer: planted a bunch of trees for Quercus (16/02/19)
  26. Write the terminal dues page on Wikipedia
  27. Transfer the bone marrow registry: confirmed on 24/10/16
  28. Give blood 5 times: 19/10/16, 14/06/17, 24/11/17, 18/05/18, 20/09/18
  29. HEALTH

  30. Do 10 push-ups in a row
  31. Do a whole100
  32. Go to the gym 100 times in one year: #100 on december 28th!
  33. Reach my goal weight
  34. Re-learn how to do the flip turns in swimming
  35. Deadlift my own weight
  36. Improve some results from last blood tests: all around better in 2017!
  37. Run 3 races (including one half-marathon): 10km H20 race in faro (4/3/17)
  38. Give a sleep/nap pattern a try, see if it works for me
  39. Take steps to correct the posture: external monitor (2017) + using standing desk regularly (2018)
  40. SELF

  41. Finish 2 weeks of Headspace
  42. Wake up early consistently for 1 month: focusmate makes this super easy.
  43. Read 10 books in German: 1. Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen, 2. Rosalies schönstes Geschenk
  44. Get fitted for a bra: 22/12/16 @ Dama de Copas
  45. Paint my hair: black! (18/5/2017)
  46. Take a new online class: mandarin chinese level 2
  47. Restart the early morning study sessions: focusmate was the answer to my prayers! :D
  48. Have a perfect month streak on Productive Habitica

  50. Make a logo for Roll4Roll
  51. Reach 100 swapped rolls of Roll4Roll
  52. Do 25 swaps myself
  53. Shoot 2 new rolls with the lomokino, make some gifs!
  54. Find a better digital photo storage solution: external disk, backed up by google photos (2/12/17)
  55. Try 5 new brands/types of film: fomapan
  56. FOOD

  57. Make kimchi
  58. Make pickled lemons: finished in late 2018, but not yet tasted…
  59. Try cooking 10 new fishes: sargo (16/10/16), bica (16/10/16), safia (2/11/16), serrajão (23/11/16), robalo (17/12/16), ferreira (15/1/17), estupeta* (10/2/17), salema (26/2/17), tainha de mar (22/3/17), anchova (28/6/17)
  60. Find 5 local restaurants we like: o campista, noélia, nó de gosto, botega, the indian place
  61. Make a mighty bowl of pho: read about it here.
  62. Find 5 good recipes for the pressure cooker: levi’s boeuf bourguignon (23/10/16)
  63. Cook 3 new (to me) nose-to-tail bits
  64. Document + photograph all the food we eat in a week
  65. Use only local shops for groceries for 2 months
  66. Master a dish from every country we’ve lived in
  67. Have an afternoon tea: at bletchley park (28/8/17)
  68. Cook 5 new recipes with eggs: egg drop soup (7/7/17), çilbir (30/06/18), vietnamese egg soda (13/09/18), khai jiao (19/09/18)
  69. Start an egg project
  70. Taste 5 egg dishes in different restaurants: 2/5/17 tagine d’oeufs au khlii (rabat, morocco), 5/8/17 çibir (berlin), 24/8/17 harissa mash with egg (london), 26/8/17 black pudding with egg yolk (london), all the breakfast restaurants in toronto (august 2018)
  71. CRAFTS

  72. Do a 100 days project: sending 100 mail pieces in 100 days! (finished 9/7/17)
  73. Do a pop-up card: 13/05/18
  74. Craft 5 mailart pieces: hello, my name is, your body is not a temple, addis envelope
  75. Do my own stationery (from the desk of?)
  76. Try etegami
  77. Play with cyanotype
  78. Try a water brush for watercolours: in 2017
  79. Do another month of letters, document it.: april 2017
  80. Give a mini-workshop to friends (scratch-paint cards?)
  81. Get back to sewing and make something new: wiksten tank top (22/10/16)
  82. Make a weather blanket/scarf
  83. Do a graffiti that only shows up when it rains
  84. Do a graphic b(l)each towel
  85. Organize a themed swap (postcards? tea?)
  86. Do an advent calendar
  87. BLOG

  88. Have a 30-day streak on the blog: january 2019
  89. Feature 5 food + 5 non-food related things from Algarve on the blog: dom rodrigo, hiking in sw algarve, festa das chouriças, a really old tree, folhado de tavira, maios, gum rock rose, salicornia, the fruit tree collection, rota do petisco
  90. Reach 200 analogue wednesdays: done!
  91. Feature 10 Portuguese confectioneries on the blog
  92. Write a mini-itinerary for friends going to Slovenia
  93. Write 5 stationery-themed posts: field notes, finnish stamps

  95. Host a ThanksFriendsgiving dinner: november 2018
  96. Organize a New Years’ get-together for friends: 2016 in Lienzingen, Germany
  97. Implement the Friday Night Meatballs, do at least 20 dinners.
  98. Meet more locals: vânia, the ladies in the knitting club, tiago
  99. Play a “escape room” game with friends
  100. Take Dani on a trip
  101. HOME

  102. Fix the garden
  103. Get a hammock: ikea finally opened in algarve and i got my hammock on 1/4/2017! :D
  104. Grow 5 new herbs: mint (at long last!), dill, lemongrass, ocimum minimum (aka mangerico), sage
  105. Successfully grow a passionfruit vine: july 2018

  107. Reach inbox zero: 12/09/2017, at last! :D
  108. Be better in my “customer support” role
  109. Find a way to delegate more
  110. Do more collaborations: postcards from timbuktu, sister cities of düsseldorf
  111. Frame + hang the stamps in the office: decided against it, in the end.

* technically, not a new fish as it is just salted tuna bits, but counting it anyway.

14 replies on “101 things in 1001 days — fourth edition”

Olá Ana:)
Parabéns pelo teu mega interessante blog! Já te acompanho há uns bons 3 anos e meio, desde que descobri o meiadeleite.com (numa das fases mais depressivas da minha vida) e, consequentemente, o Postcrossing (uma combinacao perfeita de duas das minhas paixoes: escrever e coleccionar postais). Dito isto, o teu blog e os teus posts foram, de facto, uma lufada de ar fresco nos dias mais dificeis.
Bem, e agora com os devidos agradecimentos feitos, queria perguntar-te se estarias interessada num swap de postais com um tema qualquer a gosto… :) that would be really nice!
Mudei-me, recentemente, para a minha 5a cidade alema – Neubrandenburg (OstDeutschland) – e preciso de um bom motivo para matar o tédio dos meus dias. Estás à vontade para me escrever um mail e para trocarmos umas ideias.
Beijinhos, Ana Sofia

Só uma nota: tecnicamente Alhambra é uma fortaleza. A cidade é Granada!
Boa sorte com o completamento da lista!

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