
weeknotes, 28/23

– in the middle of this very hot week, our AC broke with a very loud bang. :( it seems like a relatively straightforward fix, thankfully, though arranging this in the middle of july in algarve is tricky.

– tavira has a mini street theater festival going on in the first half of july, with a little show taking place in town every night. it’s just nice to go, grab some ice-cream and watch the nightly shenanigans with friends. the boy got roped into one of the performances to play piaf’s la vie en rose with bells, and he did really well! :D

– i celebrated my 15000th day on earth this week! i really recommend checking when one of these nice round dates happens for you, and marking it on your calendar, for future celebrations. speaking of which, Postcrossing also celebrated 18 years this week… 18 years!! whoa.

– every morning, a trio of iberian green woodpeckers wakes us up with their loud laughter.

– i’ve been toying with midjourney, the image-making AI tool. its capabilities are mind-blowing and it’s just lots of fun to play with! discovering the right prompts, playing with the parameters and seeing what everyone else is doing are some of the interesting bits for me. here’s a study on risographs of coffee mugs, in tones of blue:

and a girl posting a letter, in a more anime style:

i did this with a text prompt, after reading a bit of the documentation and seeing what other people are doing. it’s astonishing what technology can do.


weeknotes, 27/23

– a boring week, with a lot of overwhelmed workdays, but also ice-cream to cool down! :)

– the whole week, i could not get this song out of my head:

let new zealand into eurovision already — they clearly understood the assignment and delivered!

– game night with friends, old and new. we played the game of thrones boardgame, which was amazingly complicated… i think we spent the better part of the night just trying to understand the rules. but now that we more or less know them, we’re ready for a rematch!

– i learned the expression “reading trombone” — did you know it? it’s this dance that people do when they’re trying to read the tiny ingredient list on the side of a package, pushing it away from their face so they can read better. the official name for this is presbyopia, and it’s something that happens to people over 40… and like clockwork, here it is! i need to get myself some glasses.

just life weeknotes

weeknotes, 18-26/23

so… where were we? so much time has passed since the last weeknotes, it’s hard to think back at everything that took place since we arrived back from taiwan. i’ll try though, because i really missed these!

– more than anything, we’ve spent these two months catching up with family and friends. there were many dinners and visits, and also hosting family here at home. i was asked to be my niece’s godmother, saw friend’s babies for the first time, and just spent a lot of time basking in and enjoying it.

– the boy came back from taiwan with a mighty cough that took him almost 2 months to get over. :( after having coughed his lungs out, hurt all his muscles in the process, and maxed out on his asthma inhaler, he’s mostly fine now, the cough having left as mysteriously as it came.

– i’ve been reading *so much*. the day seems filled with little spaces where reading can happen: bedtime winding downs, sitting in waiting rooms, house tasks with an audiobook… i’ve read silly novels and books about tuberculosis, asia-themed books and art books, memoirs and books from my childhood authors, and it’s been a pleasure.

– i turned 41, and the boy gave me a new kindle, with backlight, and now i can read even when insomnia strikes, in the middle of the night! :) my brother (who was spending some time with us) built me a spice rack on the cupboard that has been empty ever since the gas heater was removed, and it’s the best!

– i went for a check up because my heart was doing a funny dance, and after some blood tests, got diagnosed with low iron reserves… which makes sense, with the kind of heavy periods i get and the fact we don’t eat much meat these days. luckily, it’s an easy fix: some more meat here and there, and an iron supplement to build up those reserves.

– st. john in tavira, with fireworks and ice-cream, and the traditional play of the enchanted moura.

festival med took place this week, and we went to see lavoisier and amadou & mariam! the first was a mellow affair at sunset, sitting in the lawn by the castle basking it all in, and the second was the opposite, everyone on their feet, dancing and cheering along. what a brilliant night in loulé!

– met some new and old dogs!

general weeknotes

weeknotes, 12/23

— finally heading to taiwaaaaaaaan! 🇹🇼 i’m writing these words on a delayed train to lisbon… i hope we’ll make it to our flight in time. fingers crossed!

– the week before something big and exciting is always a drag, but this week has been so full with errands and family and work that i feel like it has passed in the blink of an eye. i don’t know where time went. we’ve spent a lot of it with our families, eating, chatting, playing boardgames, visiting sick people… i’m grateful for all these moments.

– incidentally, i’ve been sleeping rather badly lately… so on the upside, lots of reading is happening in the middle of the night. i’ve finished “encyclopedia of an ordinary life” by amy krouse rosenthal (where this quote comes from) and it was a lovely memoir, in an unusual but interesting format. it reads a bit like the book of disquiet, random fragments that float to the top and tell something about a person. i’ve started “green island”, a chunky book that mixes fiction with the history of taiwan, and also loaned “shades of milk and honey”, “mouth to mouth” and “the gentle art of fortune hunting” for the flights. i hope these will be good!

– we had fogaça and regueifa, from bakeries that still wrap their things in beautiful paper! 😍

– and in more food news, francesinha with the boy! ah, there’s nothing quite like visiting our favorite francesinha place to catch up on the familiar flavors.

just life weeknotes

weeknotes, 11/23

– after all the packing and the cleaning, we arrived at the train station at 6am on wednesday, only to discover the railway workers were on strike and our train wasn’t going to come… so we drove north instead, which feels like a waste of gas and reading time, but it’s not the end of the world.

– we spent time at my parents, whose love language is cooking up a feast every time we’re home. this weekend was the camellia’s fair at their hometown, and the whole place was brimming with people and excitement. children were dressed up with flowers and marched in the main street, tv channels interviewed people… everyone seemed happy.

– the four-book saga of lila and lenu has finally come to an end, and i feel a little empty. i’ve been reading and listening to these books for three months now, following their lives as they unfold like a violent soap opera. the naples of 50 years ago felt like a vicious place, with forces pulling in all directions and conflict taking place in everyone’s doorstep. how small the world was back then (the size of a neighborhood), and how things have changed since, especially for women… i’ll miss these two, and their love-hate relationship.

– as a sidenote, it’s amazing how much i’ve read since i stopped reading fanfiction… which is to be expected, but i’m kind of blown away by it nonetheless. books are still not as satisfying as fanfiction for the most part… but i’m trying to branch out and explore different styles, find my way to the things and authors i like. it’s been fun!

– the new camera is here! it’s unbelievably slim, and unlike most cameras i’ve owned, the film rolls from right to left. i loaded it with a long-expired ilford pan that has been languishing in the fridge for years, and have been snapping away with it. can’t wait to see what comes out!

– this is a little ridiculous, but i’ve become the kind of person who is so sensitive to coffee that having tiramisu for dessert at dinnertime will keep me awake at night. sigh.

– one week until taiwan!!!!!