just life

orthopedic intermission

things haven’t been right for awhile. if i’m being honest, i think i’ve had back pain of some form or another for over a year… in the beginning i’d notice it more when we had to drive for long stretches (driving from portugal to slovenia), a persistent and nagging pain on my lower back that shot all through my right leg until it became uncomfortable to sit. then it started appearing when i had been sitting for awhile… which in my line of work is everyday. then 2 months ago or so, it got so bad i had to lay down, load on painkillers and just… wait. that’s the thing with backpain, everybody tells you to slow down and wait. most of the times, it goes away by itself.

mine did too, to a certain extent, but never fully. and then about 3 weeks ago, after a trip to ikea, it came back full force and with a vengeance. i could barely walk or turn in bed, and even loaded on painkillers, it was excruciating. so we got some heat patches, and took a trip home, almost directly to the emergency room.

an x-ray and an mri later, and my doctor told me i have a spinal disc herniation. basically, the cushion between my vertebras has been abused and is being forced out of its place and into my spinal canal, pressing on the sciatic nerve. this is what makes my leg hurt. it looks like this:

the treatment? well, after a week of rest, a cocktail of drugs and a shot of corticosteroids, i am almost as good as new, pain-wise. the doctor says this won’t ever go away, i’ll just have to learn how to live with it, which includes not doing heavy lifting or sitting for long periods, and strengthening the lower back. so i’m taking up light swimming this summer, doing some back exercises and just generally taking it easy. if you spend a lot of time sitting down, you should too!

foooood in portugal just life


consoada, the family dinner on christmas eve, is the epitome of christmas celebrations in portugal. families get together and a ton of food, homemade wine and sweets are consumed. there’s nothing fancy about it: everybody brings something and we share it all. and then, when people are nearing sugar coma, santa claus descends upon us and distributes the presents. because the family is quite big and loves to give cleverly disguised gag gifts, the process takes hours… plus for the first time in a really long time, there’s a baby in the family again – his name is martim, and he loves to help people tear the wrapping paper off their presents! :)

it never gets old! :)

just life links and ideas

101 things in 1001 days – second edition

it’s been over 1001 days since i made version one of my 101 things list… which didn’t go all that well. i did about 40% of the tasks, and reached some conclusions.
1001 days seemed like a lifetime 3 years ago, and so i sprinkled the list with wishful thinking and lots of travelling adventures… which ended up not happening (e.g. roadtrip coast-to-coast in the US). it turns out, our big travels are not conditioned by items in a list, but rather by whims and opportunities. it’s not that we travelled less, we just ended up choosing different places to go to – and that’s ok.
another thing i’ve learned is that things… change. i’ve lost interest on a lot of items (e.g. be better at iceskating) while others turned out not to be so compatible to our current circumstances (e.g. starting a compost pile). other things turned out better than i expected (e.g. instead of going 100% freelance, i work remotely).

all in all though, i liked the idea of having this big list with a set deadline – it didn’t shape my future, but it did focus me on certain goals. the second list took me a lot more time to draft, as i’ve struggled to remain more practical and make sure all the items are all “doable”. i really want to do better this time.

so, 101 fresh things for the next 1001 days:

  • Do the HSK intermediate
  • Make a pinhole & take some photos with it
  • Take calligraphy/handwriting lessons
  • Draw a font
  • Read 50 new books (half of which in portuguese)
  • Write 750 words for a month
  • Spend a week offline
  • Reach my goal weight
  • Be ok in snowboarding
  • Write 20 letters
  • Write/draw a small guide to Ljubljana/Slovenia
  • Research about Slovenia/Balkans history
  • Identify 10 different trees
  • Taste 30 different fruits
  • Taste 20 different cheeses
  • Try a autocaravan holiday
  • Visit a volcano
  • Fly on a glider
  • Learn how to scuba dive
  • Visit a mail sorting facility
  • Draw and get a tattoo
  • Visit a theme park
  • Volunteer
  • Do a photobook of our time in Slovenia
  • Try 25 different teas
  • Do a medical checkup
  • Go to the dentist
  • Draw a comic strip
  • Write 20 lists
  • Find 150 geocaches
  • Apply to the green card lottery november 2010
  • Visit 20 Unesco sites: historic areas of istanbul, october 2010
  • Fly a kite
  • Visit 15 different museums
  • Do 5 videos
  • Go to 20 concerts
  • Watch a sport event live
  • Climb 10 Slovenian mountains: tromeja, ratitovec
  • Hot air balloon ride
  • Go rafting/canoeing
  • Roadtrip in the EU: slovenia-austria-germany-netherlands, september 2010
  • Be halfway through our house goal fund
  • Move again
  • Do 20 surprises: bday parcel
  • Find out what I want to do related with stationery
  • Sponsor an artist on Kickstart
  • Make ice cream from scratch
  • Buy some Christmas lights to decorate
  • Do a secret art project in the city
  • Go see an opera
  • Go see a ballet
  • Sell something on etsy and use the money to buy something there
  • Go an entire month without eating out
  • Go an entire month without using a car (not even friend’s cars)
  • View all of Star Wars movies october 2010
  • Donate five dollars to wikipedia for each goal failed
  • Track the progress of every item on the blog
  • Fill my recipes notebook with recipes
  • Get a Fuji Instax and start documenting our life
  • Feel a baby kick inside a friend’s belly
  • Try to eat local for a week
  • Start laser hair removal
  • Take a cooking class
  • Use all the yarn I have
  • Design and print a postcard
  • Write something for a newspaper
  • Review 25 pieces of stationery
  • Lose the jumping habit
  • Try 20 different sodas
  • Go karting
  • Blog at least 3 times a week for 3 months
  • Put 200 meals on Foodspotting
  • Go see the sea organ in Zadar
  • Make 5 surprise breakfasts
  • Drastically reduce the amount of coffee I drink
  • Ride a ferris wheel
  • Carve a rubber stamp
  • Try sledding
  • Create an herb garden
  • Redesign
  • Host 10 people through Couchsurfing
  • Write a letter to someone once a week for 10 weeks
  • Learn to cook 10 new soups: mushroom soup
  • Design a tshirt
  • Fill a notebook with notes from books/articles
  • Straighten up the SS details + get EU health card
  • Get the surgery done
  • Do NaNowriMo (for the blog) once
  • Learn how to do sushi
  • Fix hanzillion and plan half a year of posts
  • Cook pad thai
  • Organize a tea swap
  • Track our calories for a month
  • Pick a holiday and go overboard on the celebrations
  • Make a cute bento box
  • Shoot only in black and white for a month
  • Ride a scooter
  • Buy a Dr. Seuss book
  • Try 10 different types of film
  • Buy something on a flea market
  • Try currywurst in Berlin

some of the things i’ve already completed while the list was still a draft, like watching the whole set of star wars movie (pfeeew!), but i’ve only started the official countdown a few days ago, so the new deadline is set for jul 30, 2013. wish me luck! :)

ps – if you’re thinking of doing one, head over to for inspiration from other people’s lists!

foooood in slovenia just life

i’m 28!

“it’s my party
and i’ll cry if i want to
cry if i want to
cry if i want to
you would cry too
if it happened to you!”

this song has been stuck in my head the whole day. it’s the same thing year after year: i only remember it on my birthday! :)

this sounds strange, but i’ve actually been telling people i’m 28 for a whole year already… my brain somehow didn’t get used to 27, and skipped ahead. i didn’t mind. 28 sounded better than 27, the way even numbers always seem to. very chinese, now that i think about it!

anyway, to do something different today, we drove to murska sobota and had gibanica, slovenia’s national cake, disguised as a birthday cake. it’s quite heavy, but i enjoy the mixture of flavours:

and as you can see, i got a drawing tablet from paulo as a bday present, and put it to good use already! :)

in slovenia just life

boy crush of mine
